one pot farro

listen to: mi negrita - devendrá banhart | elvis presley's version of blue moon
dance to: beyonce.           duh
walk: to the trees or to the sand

think about: making cashew curry for dinner and mochi butter cake for dessert. 
in reality: make one pan farro for dinner again and eat old cookie dough from a bag in the fridge for dessert. 

it's really good and easy and i'd gladly eat it for dinner 3 nights in a row.


One Pan Farro
from smitten kitchen

*just slightly lightly tweaked, i added golden raisins which i do think brings a 
pleasant pop of sweetness to the savory grains. and i like to stir big handfuls of arugula into it. 

1 cup semi pearled faro
2 cups water
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic
10 oz tomatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
1 1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 cup golden raisins

place water and faro in a medium saucepan to pre-soak. (5-10 minutes is good) in the meantime prep the other ingredients, adding each to the pot as you finish prepping it, cut onion in half again and thinly slice it. thinly slice garlic cloves. halve or quarter tomatoes. add the salt, red pepper flakes and 1 tbsp olive oil to the pan. set a timer for 30 minutes. bring uncovered pan up to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, stirring occasionally. when the timer goes off, the farro should be nicely cooked (tender but with a pleasant chew), and the cooking water should be almost completely absorbed. 
stir in the golden raisins. fold a few big handfuls of arugula through the faro (completely optional) scatter with thin slivers of basil and parmesan. drizzle a bit more olive oil if you wish.