
a haiku:

i love seattle

consuming lots of coffee

i'm cold and alive

pike place market blew my little brain away. we went everyday for snacks and then more snacks.

breakfast crumpets at the crumpet shop, almond croissants at le panier, cappuccinos everywhere.

smoked salmon, chocolate covered cherries, and sneaking 20 samples of beecher's cheese curds.

the first starbucks store was insanity. we looked on from a distance.

baguettes and wine in the room. music loud enough to annoy the people in the next room.

we got lost a lot. but it was the best, we had nowhere to be. seattle felt a little mystical, the fresh air, the drear and the dew and the green everywhere.

dinner at delancey

being there was overwhelming in the best way. orangette was the first blog i ever read. her words would calm and comfort me, her recipes and photos inspired me like nothing else i could find in my college-y world.

i was completely thankful she was nowhere to be seen that night. i wouldn't have known what to do with myself. i'd act uncomfortable and bad weird.

dinner was perfect. pickled things, crazy hot peppers on pizza. everything was delicious, and everything felt thoughtful and special.

i took some drowsy allergy pill not thinking it was drowsy. it kicked in while on an underground walking tour. then there was pho and a sadly necessary 2 hour daytime nap. that was the low point of the trip.

we couldn't resist needle and thread, the tiny little cocktail bar on top of tavern law. they were some of the best most magically concocted drinks i've had maybe ever.

passion fruit, rum, mint, and cinnamon. topped with IPA.

we stumbled into my work alter ego.

on the last night we decided to ride the massive ferris wheel over the water and joe got so tense that he wouldn't talk to me.

one final meal of (supamadcool, i love raw fish) seafood, a breakfast bagel, and 3 hours of flipping on-flight tv channels, and it was back to real life.

seattle, you were good.

by the way just so you know, your streets are beautiful always, but look particularly beautiful at night.

nicely done you sly city.