sesame honey roasted carrots

carrots are great for our bods. we've been told this for a long while now.
adults and doctors and wise people have always said things like:

did you know that beta carotene reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular disease and pumps vitamin A into your system?

when i typed that out i accidentally typed vitamin !

that should definitely become a vitamin when they run out of letters.
i'd absolutely take a massive vitamin ! supplement every day.

now, while i'd like to think that eating carrots will make my heart happy and let me put off getting contacts for another year, i'm not so sure they do much to enhance my brain cells.

this is the story of last night.

i got some carrots. they were beauty pageant winning carrots. i was excited about it.

i tossed them with flavors of sesame and honey. then i roasted them, slowly, til they caramelized at the edges and filled with tons of natural sweetness.

in a word, they were majorMajorDelicious.

they were eaten up like candy with dinner and then sir boyfriend and i were off to downtown la to see Of Montreal.

the car was parked on top of a random parking lot, and we were off to sway and head bob and act weird with all the other weird people.

three songs in and we realized neither of us had my car keys.
the rest of the night was spent worrying. acting mad. there was a good amount of profanity outbursts and feeling stupid.

my loving savior of a father had to drive out to hand us the spare set of keys at 11:30.

and then..they were in the car.

the keys were in the car. WHAT on earth is happening to my brain!?

thanks for nothing carrots.

Roasted Carrots with Sesame and Honey
inspired by Tender by Nigel Slater

2 lbs carrots
2 tbsp olive oil
2-3 tsp sesame oil
1-2 tsp honey
sea salt
1-2 tsp sesame seeds

preheat the oven to 350. coat the carrots in the olive oil, sesame oil, and honey. lay on a baking sheet and sprinkle liberally with sea salt. bake for 20-30 minutes. increase the oven temperature to 425 and roast for 20-30 minutes more, until caramelized and tender. sprinkle with sesame seeds and let roast 5 minutes more. 
watch them disappear in minutes.